Top "Pid" questions

In computing, the process identifier (normally referred to as the process ID or just PID) is a number used by most operating system kernels (such as that of UNIX, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows) to (temporarily) uniquely identify a process.

What is the difference between a Process' pid, ppid, uid, euid, gid and egid?

Context: I'm getting the current Ruby process ID. #=> 95291 Process.ppid #=> 95201 Process.uid #=> 501 Process.gid #=> 20 …

ruby process pid
windows PID = 0 valid?

In Windows, is 0 valid PID for a process or is it reserved by OS? It would be nice if you …

windows pid
What is the correct printf specifier for printing pid_t

I'm currently using a explicit cast to long and using %ld for printing pid_t, is there a specifier such …

c io printf pid
Kill a java process (in linux) by process name instead of PID

While configuring/installing Hadoop cluster we often need to kill a Java Process/Daemon. We see Java Processes/Daemons running …

linux process pid
Using -XX:HeapDumpPath option but want to integrate the process id

When using -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError the JVM will not overwrite the heap dump if there is already a dump file under …

java pid heap-dump
Why can't I drop MySQL Database?

Problem I'm running MySQL 5.5.23 on Mac OS 10.8.2 and am unable to drop a particular database, but I can drop others. …

mysql database macos pid
How can I get the PID of the parent process of my application

My winform application is launched by another application (the parent), I need determine the pid of the application which launch …

c# .net winforms process pid
Inside a bash script, how to get PID from a program executed when using the eval command?

I have commands in a bash script that are similar to this: eval "( java -classpath ./ $classname ${arguments[@]} $redirection_options $file )" &…

bash unix process eval pid
How to kill process on GPUs with PID in nvidia-smi using keyword?

How to kill running processes on GPUs for a specific program (e.g. python) in terminal? For example two processes …

python gpu nvidia keyword pid
golang exec background process and get its pid

Situation: I want to run a command that puts itself into the background. If it makes it more possible, then …

go exec pid