Top "Pid" questions

In computing, the process identifier (normally referred to as the process ID or just PID) is a number used by most operating system kernels (such as that of UNIX, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows) to (temporarily) uniquely identify a process.

Postgres DB not starting on Mac OSX: ERROR says: connections on Unix domain socket

I ve installed Postgresql and then ran a bunch of rails apps on my local Mac OSX Mountain Lion and …

macos postgresql unix pid pgadmin
Android - How to get the processName or packageName by using PID?

MY QUESTION: What could I use to retrieve the processName or packageName of a certain process given its PID? Since …

android process pid
Meaning of PID, PPID and TGID

What does the Linux kernel acronyms PID, PPID, TGID stand for? I stumbled upon them at strace-pids.

linux process linux-kernel pid threadgroup
How to find port number for a particular process id in unix?

In UNIX OS, how can I find the port number when i know the process name or pid ?

pid ps netstat uname
How to get pid of android application without using adb shell?

How can I get an android application pid without using adb shell? Is there any API to get pid. any …

android pid
How to check whether specified PID is currently running without invoking ps from PHP?

We would like to check if a specified process is currently running via PHP. We would like to simply supply …

php process pid
IIS Application pool PID

is anyone familiar with a way to get the Application pool that is associated with a process ID ? I am …

.net iis application-pool pid
get process name from process id (win32)

I need to get a list of all processes on a windows system including names and PID. EnumProcess can obtain …

c winapi process pid
How to get the PID of a process that is piped to another process in Bash?

I am trying to implement a simple log server in Bash. It should take a file as a parameter and …

bash pipe pid
How to find out which Node.js pid is running on which port

I'd like to restart one of many Node.js processes I have running on my server. If I run ps …

node.js port kill pid