Top "Picasso" questions

Picasso is an open source powerful and dynamic image caching and downloading library by Square.

How to load a bitmap into an image-view with Picasso

Yes, I am using Picasso to load a bitmap. The reason is I am decoding URIs in one part of …

android picasso android-bitmap
is there a way to load a default image in picasso

i cannot load an image in picasso from my drawable due to resons known only to picasso, so whever picasso …

android android-viewpager picasso
Image uri doesn't display images on ImageView on some android device

I have an ImageView. When you click on a ImageView, it will open gallery and you pick up a image …

android image imageview uri picasso
Doesn't Picasso support to download images which uses https protocol

Hello I am using the Picasso library to download the images from URL. URL :…

android picasso
Fetch images with Callback in Picasso?

I want to show a photo series with no gaps in-between the photos, where photos change in a regular interval. …

android picasso
How to access Drawable when using Picasso?

I'm using the Picasso framework to handle image loading in my Android app. After the image is loaded, I need …

android android-drawable picasso
Preload images into memory/disk with Android Picasso

Can I download images with Picasso before displaying them? I want to cache images first. Sample scenario: User clicks on …

android picasso
Picasso Library - Out of Memory

I am using Picasso library latest version 2.4.0 in my app for downloading and caching images. There are roughly 25-30 images …

android picasso
Picasso keeps reloading images while scrolling upwards in listview, loads slowly

I have been searching SO threads for answers but couldn't figure out my issue from previous discussion. I have a …

java android picasso
How to implement Pinch Zoom in Picasso library?

I'm using Picasso library in my current project . Everything is working fine but I just …

java android picasso