Top "Picasa" questions

Picasa and Picasa Web Albums are both discontinued image organizers and image viewers.

How to build a http post request with the correct entity with Java and not using any library?

How should I build the entity to achieve this post request? POST…

java http post httprequest picasa
Uncaught TypeError: Object#<Object> has no method 'dispatchEvent'

I'm trying to combine Drupal with Picasa web integrator. I have these 3 lines in the section of my page.tpl.…

javascript drupal typeerror picasa
Are there any image hosting services with a public API?

I've been considering image hosting services for a project but am starting to wonder if that's just too complicated for …

image hosting picasa photobucket
How to access the Picasa (desktop) database?

Is there any way to read the Picasa database? What is the format of the Picasa database? Are there any …

database picasa
Get list of all files in Google Photos

My ultimate goal is to get a list with all the files (photos, videos) in my Google Photos account preferably …

excel vba google-api picasa google-photos
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images

(A similar question has been asked on superuser for answers related to applications. The question is posted here to gather …

php api picasa face-recognition
XMLHttpRequest: Multipart/Related POST with XML and image as payload

I'm trying to POST an image (with Metadata) to Picasa Webalbums from within a Chrome-Extension. Note that a regular post …

javascript google-chrome-extension xmlhttprequest picasa
Android image picker for local files only

I'm using the built in Android image picker as follows: Intent photoPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.…

android image picker picasa
How to sort images in jquery/php/mysql same as google picassa reorder interface?

I am using PHP/MYSQL. I want to create a image gallery for sorting images. User will drag and drop …

jquery jquery-ui-sortable picasa
Google Photos API import all my photos

I've been reading more or less every StackOverflow question about Google Photos, and still I haven't figured out the answer. …

google-api google-drive-api google-plus picasa google-photos