Top "Phpundercontrol" questions

phpUnderControl is a PHP centric add-on to the CruiseControl CI server

Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects

I am a lone developer most of my time, working on a number of big, mainly PHP-based projects. I want …

php continuous-integration phing phpundercontrol
PHPUnit and C.R.A.P index

I am using php undercontrol and the code browser report some CRAP index error on every setter/getter i.e. …

php phpunit metrics phpundercontrol
Code Coverage with PHPUnit

I am running into an issue while attempting to determine code coverage on our site. I have PHPUnit generating a …

php phpunit code-coverage phpundercontrol
How to call a custom ruleset.xml for php code sniffer

I'm trying to write an custom ruleset.xml for php code sniffer but calling it from the commandline without putting …

php codesniffer phpundercontrol