Rename file in PHPStorm without refactoring

PHPst picture PHPst · Oct 19, 2011 · Viewed 16k times · Source

How do I quickly rename a file name without refactoring in PHPStorm? Even after I've just created the file, PHPStorm takes a long time to search through my files for its usage.


cantera picture cantera · Oct 25, 2011

My technique for renaming files quickly is to single-click the file name and press Shift-F6. A dialog opens and you can immediately type the new name of the file and hit return/enter to complete the rename.

I find this technique intuitive because you don't have to move your mouse to the dialog window, type the new name, or click anything to confirm. As long as all you're doing is a rename that you know is safe, you just type it and go.

I also like this feature because you still have the option of quickly previewing the changes before they're made. And on those occasions when you are refactoring something with possible implications to the rest of your app, you can still enable "Search for references" and/or "Search in comments and strings" to get the whole enchilada. (I have those options disabled by default.)

I agree with you that right-clicking the file name, scrolling down to Refactor, selecting Rename, and then entering the new name is cumbersome, especially if the safe checks are enabled. I find that PhpStorm developers seem to understand these types of issues and usually have thought of a "faster way" to do things as well.