LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE forbidden after php / mariadb update

Asle picture Asle · Apr 23, 2019 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I know this has been asked before but I could not find any newer posts that could be of help. LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE has been working perfectly up until today. I have not changed anything other than ran an update for PHP and (not sure but I think) MariaDB. I am running now PHP 7.2.17 and MariaDB 10.1.38

Now I get this error: Warning: mysqli::query(): LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE forbidden

I checked what I could find: - db user has all rights, even root user gets this error - checked my.cnf for entry local-infile=1

Load statement works fine within mysql commandline but not in PHP script.

Here is how I run the import:

define ('DB_USER', "db_user");
define ('DB_PASSWORD', "my_password");
define ('DB_DATABASE', "prosjekt");
define ('DB_HOST', "localhost");

$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE);

I get the error on the last line -> $mysqli->query($query);

$query = <<<eof
     INTO TABLE prosjekt


So I can run this fine in mysql console but not in a PHP script, and it starting failing today. Any ideas how to fix it? When I run SHOW VARIABLES; I get this so it should work?

local_infile ON


Asle picture Asle · Apr 24, 2019

I solved this and for anyone interested. I read this post that helped

It seems the PHP upgrade has change my php.ini. I think I got some questions as to keep config or overwrite it. Not sure I answered correct there!

Since this is a cron job I needed to fix the php.ini here:


Uncomment this line or change it:

mysqli.allow_local_infile = On

You would do the same for php.ini if you are running php-fpm in the respective directories /etc/php/7.2 -> /fpm /apache