Reconnection of Client when server reboots in WebSocket

siddhusingh picture siddhusingh · Sep 23, 2010 · Viewed 82.5k times · Source

I am using web socket using PHP5 and the Chrome browser as client. I have taken the code from the site

I run the server, and the client is also connected. I can chat as well. Now when I restart the server (by killing it and starting it again), the client gets the disconnected information, but automatically doesn't reconnect with server when I send the message.

How to achieve this? Like when I get the dis-connected information, should I check it and send it to JavaScript to refresh the page or reconnect?


Andrew picture Andrew · Nov 22, 2011

When the server reboots, the Web Socket connection is closed, so the JavaScript onclose event is triggered. Here's an example that tries to reconnect every five seconds.

function start(websocketServerLocation){
    ws = new WebSocket(websocketServerLocation);
    ws.onmessage = function(evt) { alert('message received'); };
    ws.onclose = function(){
        // Try to reconnect in 5 seconds
        setTimeout(function(){start(websocketServerLocation)}, 5000);