How to integrate payment gateway in yii2 using PayPal extension for the Yii2

jatin vaghasiya picture jatin vaghasiya · Feb 5, 2015 · Viewed 17.5k times · Source

How to use paypal extension in yii2. I am using this link
I installed extension and also added code in config file .

But there is not more information what to do next . So please help me.



iGbanam picture iGbanam · Apr 8, 2015

There is no need to use an extension for this. You can simply install the paypal/rest-api-sdk-php package and perform the following steps.

1. Create a component to glue Paypal to Yii2

Create a components folder in your @app directory. If you are using the basic template, this is the same folder as webroot; in the advanced template, this folder is in the app you want to enable payments in.

Create a PHP class file (CashMoney for example) with the following content

use yii\base\Component;

use PayPal\Rest\ApiContext;
use PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential;

class CashMoney extends Component {
  public $client_id;
  public $client_secret;
  private $apiContext; // paypal's API context

  // override Yii's object init()
  function init() { 
    $this->apiContext = new ApiContext(
      new OAuthTokenCredential($this->client_id, $this->client_secret)

  public function getContext() {
    return $this->apiContext;

This is enough to get started. You may choose to add other configurations specific to PayPal later on.

2. Register your glue component with Yii2

In your app/config/main.php (or app/config/main-local.php), include the following to register the CashMoney component.

'components' => [
  'cm' => [ // bad abbreviation of "CashMoney"; not sustainable long-term
    'class' => 'app/components/CashMoney', // note: this has to correspond with the newly created folder, else you'd get a ReflectionError

     // Next up, we set the public parameters of the class
    'client_id' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID-FROM-PAYPAL',
    'client_secret' => 'YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET-FROM-PAYPAL',
    // You may choose to include other configuration options from PayPal
    // as they have specified in the documentation

Now we have our payment component registered as CashMoney, we can access it using Yii::$app->cm. Cool, huh?

3. Make API calls

To Make Your First API call in Yii2,

Open the controller action in which you want to handle payments, and include the following

use Yii;
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
use PayPal\Exception\PaypalConnectionException;

class PaymentsController { // or whatever yours is called
  public function actionMakePayments { // or whatever yours is called
    $card = new PayPalCreditCard;

    try {
      // ...and for debugging purposes
      echo '<pre>';
      var_dump('Success scenario');
      echo $card;
    } catch (PayPalConnectionException) {
      echo '<pre>';
      var_dump('Failure scenario');
      echo $e;



The expected output is similar to that in the PayPal documentation.

Once you get the connection going, you should be able to perform other tasks.