PayUMoney payment gateway error after payment

Santosh Pradhan picture Santosh Pradhan · Jan 21, 2015 · Viewed 9.1k times · Source

After payment is done, I am not redirected to my website using payumoney payment gateway. I am receiving following error. Any help would be appreciated.



HTTP Status 404 - /settlement/WEB-INF/jsp/.jsp

type Status report

message /settlement/WEB-INF/jsp/.jsp

description The requested resource is not available. Apache Tomcat/7.0.54


Santosh Pradhan picture Santosh Pradhan · Jan 29, 2015

While submitting the purchase info to PayUMoney, there is a field called Productinfo which takes JSON data that contains purchase info like below.

Productinfo = {“paymentParts”:[{ "name":"abc", "description":"abcd", "value":"500", "isRequired":"true", “settlementEvent” : “EmailConfirmation” }, { "name":"xyz", "description":"wxyz", "value":"1500", "isRequired":"false", “settlementEvent”: “EmailConfirmation” }], {“paymentIdentifiers”:[{ "field":"CompletionDate", "value":"31/10/2012” }, { "field":"TxnId", "value":"abced" }]}

When this JSON data is too long, it can not handle the request properly and fails to complete the process.