I need to create a CGridView with one button and make the button call javascript function like this:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id' => 'projectCities',
'summaryText' => '',
'dataProvider' => $model->getCitiesProvider(),
'columns' => array(
'buttons' => array(
'delete' => array(
'url' => '',
'click' => '',
'options' => array(
'onclick' => 'removeCity(this, $data->idCity,
$model->idProject); return false;',
Ofcourse it's not working, because the generated html is:
<a class="delete" title="Delete" onclick="removeCity(this, $data->idCity, $model->idProject); return false;">
Is there a way to do it so there will be proper id in the javascript function call?
public function gridButtons($model)
return array(
'buttons' => array(
'delete' => array(
'url' => '',
'click' => '',
'options' => array(
'onclick' => sprintf(
'js:removeCity(this, %d, %d);return false;',
$model->idCity, $model->idProject
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id' => 'projectCities',
'summaryText' => '',
'dataProvider' => $model->getCitiesProvider(),
'columns' => array(
'value' => array($this, 'gridButtons'),