Top "Php-7.3" questions

Use this tag for version-specific issues relating specifically to PHP 7.3.Use with the [php] tag

Errors Installing Composer on macOS (JIT compilation Failed)

When I run composer --version in the macOS terminal I get the following errors: PHP Warning: preg_match(): JIT compilation …

php macos composer-php jit php-7.3
How to tell PHP to use SameSite=None for cross-site cookies?

According to the article here and PHP documenation at…

php session cookies session-cookies php-7.3
Uncaught ErrorException: preg_match_all(): JIT compilation failed: no more memory

I just upgraded my PHP on macOS from 7.2 to 7.3 and while trying to run composer update on a project of …

macos composer-php php-7.3
Install php72 on MacOS using brew

I'm trying to install php72 using brew. Actually when I do brew install php72 it's downloading "…

php homebrew php-7.2 php-7.3
Change mac os x default php version

In my mac (version 10.13.6 High Sierra) php -v output is PHP 7.1.32 . I need to update this 7.1 version to 7.3. i tried …

php macos php-7.1 php-7.3
composer install complaining about php 7.2 but i'm running php 7.3

I have a symfony4 project and i'm running composer install but i'm getting the following error: Problem 1 - ocramius/package-versions 1.5.1 …

composer-php centos7 symfony4 php-7.3