Top "Php-5.2" questions

PHP 5.2 (now past End of Life) is the successor to PHP 5.1. It was released on November 2, 2006.

Namespaces in php 5.2

I've done little web using namespaces. I have it in my computer and i'm about to moving it to free …

php namespaces php-5.2
How to use PHP Composer on HostGator

I recently decided to start a project in Zend Framework 2 and was having trouble getting it to run on a …

php zend-framework2 composer-php php-5.2 phar
SoapClient error fallback in PHP

In PHP, if you try to instantiate a new SoapClient, and the WSDL is not accessible (server down or whatever), …

soap soap-client php php-5.2
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() with Windows Vista, PHP5, MySQL and Apache2

I am struggling to get PHP to connect to a MySQL database in an Apache environment. I have tried to …

windows apache2 php-5.2
php dateTime::createFromFormat in 5.2?

I have been developing on php 5.3. However our production server is 5.2.6. I have been using $schedule = '31/03/2011 01:22 pm'; // example input …

php datetime php-5.2

I'm having a hard time understanding why I'm getting an Unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM error in the following code, which …

php php-5.2
PHP get_called_class() alternative

I've got an Abstract PHP superclass, which contains code that needs to know which subclass its running under. class Foo { …

php oop inheritance php-5.2
Adding X weeks to a date using PHP 5.2

My shared hosting package at 1and1 only includes PHP 5.2.17 -- so I can't use the DateTime object. Very annoying! I …

php datetime php-5.2
Class 'ZipArchive' not found error while using PHPExcel

When I use PHPExcel on a new server, I faced the error "Class 'ZipArchive' not found" and it seems to …

php phpexcel php-5.2
mysqli_stmt_get_result alternative for php 5.2.6

I am not an expert of php, I developed a small service which query a mysql db. However I developed …

php mysql mysqli php-5.2