Top "Phone-number" questions

A telephone number or phone number is a sequence of digits used to call from one telephone line to another in a public switched telephone network(PSTN).

Using PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher without typing country calling code

In the login panel of my app, I divided the country calling code and the remaining numbers in two editable …

android phone-number textwatcher libphonenumber
How to remove non numeric characters from phone number in objective-c?

This is my first attempt to make an ios app. I'm using people picker to ask the user for a …

objective-c phone-number
How do I use AsYouTypeFormatter TextWatcher in Android App?

I am trying to use the AsYouTypeFormatter from Google's libphonenumber with TextWatcher and am not sure if it's possible. I …

java android android-edittext phone-number textwatcher
New way to disable Skype phone number links on web site without breaking the number?

The old way I was disabling Skype icons / links on webpages (which I found on this site) no longer seems …

html css hyperlink skype phone-number
Does anyone know a regular expression to validate MSISDN-format mobile numbers?

Does anyone know a regular expression to validate MSISDN-format mobile numbers? I looked into a solution posted at http://charlvn.…

python regex mobile phone-number
android getLine1Number() returns empty string

I want to get the mobile number of users, which will be defaultly taken as username, when I used the …

android phone-number
How to construct a telephone number link on Android that includes an extension

On a web page I have a link to a telephone number with extension like this: <a href="tel:011234404,123456"&…

android html phone-number dialing
Get phone number of incoming call in all android versions

I am trying to fetch incoming number of incoming call. I searched and found this Retrieve incoming call's phone number …

android phone-number telephonymanager phone-state-listener
Selecting a number from user with multiple numbers when using the contact picker

I'm trying to allow a user to select a phone number from a contact using the contact picker. However, right …

android android-contacts phone-number picker contactscontract
Mobile Phone no. verification

I am designing a website.I want to validate the mobile no. entered by the user on the registration page, …

mobile sms phone-number verification