Top "Phing" questions

Phing is a project build system based on Apache ant.

phing and phpunit + bootstrap

How to run PHPUnit test suite with bootstrap file with phing? My app structure: application/ library/ tests/ application/ library/ bootstrap.…

unit-testing zend-framework testing phpunit phing
Phing and composer

we use phing to build and test our project. I want to remove dependencies on PEAR as much as possible …

build pear composer-php phing
Phing exec command to set environment variable

I'm trying to set an environment variable in a build script with phing. This is normally done command line like …

command-line environment-variables exec phing
Phing and Composer, which way around?

I want to use both Phing and Composer for my applications. Phing as the build system and Composer to manage …

php build-automation dependency-management phing composer-php
Do you use Phing?

Does anyone use Phing to deploy PHP applications, and if so how do you use it? We currently have a …

php deployment build-process build-automation phing