Top "Persistence" questions

Persistence in computer programming refers to the capability of saving data outside the application memory.

JPA Glassfish Database Update Issue

I have an application deployed on Glassfish v3.0.1 which reads events from a table in my database. Once ready it …

jpa persistence glassfish java-ee-6
For a new project using Spring with JDBCTemplates, iBatis/myBatis or Hibernate?

Hi there we are starting a project in which we have to make the decision between using Spring JDBCTemplates, iBatis/…

hibernate spring persistence ibatis mybatis
Firestore - Using cache until online content updates

I am starting with Firestore. I've read docs and tutorials about the offline data persistence but I have not really …

caching download persistence offline google-cloud-firestore
Store documents in file system instead of database in SharePoint document library

In a SharePoint document library, is there any way to store the documents on the file system instead of the …

sharepoint persistence document-library
JBoss EAP 7.1 Deployment Failed : WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("deploy") failed

My Project is war deployment. XXX.war For my project there is a datasource (ds) that is installed in jboss. …

java hibernate persistence jta jboss-eap-7
Behavior of saveRDS() and readRDS() in regard to objects' attributes

Do saveRDS and readRDS, correspondingly, save and restore all object's attributes, including ones created by an application (via attr)? I …

r persistence environment persistent rdata
How to save a UIImage to documents directory?

I'm trying to save both a recorded video's file path, and a thumbnail from the video to the documents directory. …

ios swift avfoundation persistence file-manager
How to save Scikit-Learn-Keras Model into a Persistence File (pickle/hd5/json/yaml)

I have the following code, using Keras Scikit-Learn Wrapper: from keras.models import Sequential from sklearn import datasets from keras.…

python scikit-learn persistence pickle keras
NSCoding VS Core data

I've been searching for an article that explains NSCoding (NSKeyedArchiver...) advantages and disadvantages over use of CoreData (SQLite....). There's a …

ios core-data persistence nscoding data-management
How do I read back in the output of Data::Dumper?

Let's say I have a text file created using Data::Dumper, along the lines of: my $x = [ { foo => 'bar', …

perl persistence data-dumper