Top "Persistence" questions

Persistence in computer programming refers to the capability of saving data outside the application memory.

Persistence.xml not correctly configured

I'm not able to get this persistence file correct... I do not find any more information in the book that …

java jdbc persistence ejb jta
Select nvl(max(c.EmployeeId),0) in JPQL?

I'm using oracle10g database and eclipselink, I need to obtain the last inserted key from the table so i've …

java persistence jpql ejbql
Persistent and transient objects - confused about terminology

Here is my definition of the two terms, though I'm not sure if it is a complete one: A persistent …

domain-driven-design persistence transient
MyBatis not working with Boolean mapping

I am just trying to map a boolean value with Mybatis, but I am having a problem. Firstly, I'll show …

java jakarta-ee persistence mybatis mybatis-generator
How to inject persistence context to different data source programmatically

In standard EJB 3, when injecting entity manager, persistence unit (which refers to datasource) is hardcoded into annotation: (or alternatively xml …

jpa persistence ejb-3.0 entitymanager
What's the easiest way to persist java objects?

Right now I have java program whose classes are currently POJOs and stored in volatile memory. These need to be …

java persistence jdo object-persistence apache-torque
No Persistence provider for EntityManager named

I got the error "No Persistence provider for EntityManager named projectPersistence " …

spring hibernate jpa persistence persistence.xml
Spring: H2 Database persistence

My spring.datasource.driverClassName=org.h2.Driver spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:./src/main/resources/asnDB;DB_CLOSE_…

java spring persistence h2
The requested route has not been mapped in Spark

I want to do something to sign up users with spark+java+hibernate+postgres This is my code: post("/registrar", (…

java hibernate postgresql persistence spark-java
Is it possible to remove child from collection and resolve issues on SaveChanges?

We are using Entity Framework Code First with Foreign Key relationships. We investigating on ways on handling removing objects from …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 persistence repository-pattern