Top "Persistence.xml" questions

Used with the Java Persistence API, specifies names and database properties.

How to get Hibernate dialect during runtime

In my application, I use Hibernate with SQL Server database, so I set <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.…

java hibernate persistence.xml dialect
Hibernate Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I'm using Jersey as Rest web service and Hibernate entity manager to persist JPA models. and I'm using Tomcat 8 as …

hibernate jpa jersey web.xml persistence.xml
Using separate persistence.xml files for production and test with Spring 3.1

OK, sorry, I looked for answers to this for hours, but it took me entering the whole question for StackOverflow …

spring testing persistence.xml
Deployed war to tomcat can't throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/PersistenceException

I'm new to this forum and also new to JPA / EJB. I'm trying to deploy a .war file containing a …

persistence tomcat6 derby persistence.xml
Multiple persistence units in Wildfly?

Is it possible to have two persistence units in a Wildfly (9.0.2) application? I get "WFLYJPA0061: Persistence unitName was not specified …

jpa wildfly persistence.xml
Hibernate persistance.xml : Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null

My persistence.xml: <persistence xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="…

java xml hibernate jpa persistence.xml
How to use Hibernate SchemaUpdate class with a JPA persistence.xml?

I've a main method using SchemaUpdate to display at the console what tables to alter/create and it works fine …

hibernate jpa persistence.xml
C3P0: unreturnedConnectionTimeout in production?

The parameter unreturnedConnectionTimeout times out unreturned connections after a given period of time. I'm trying to decide whether I should …

java hibernate connection-pooling c3p0 persistence.xml
JPA and toplink create-table on if they don't already exist?

Looks like jpa is something which makes me ask a lot of questions. Having added this <property name="toplink.…

java jpa orm persistence.xml
EntityManager JNDI - name not found

Hi I created a JNDI resource on Tomcat 7 server and I'm trying to use it through persistence.xml, but I …

java tomcat jpa jndi persistence.xml