Slices of structs vs. slices of pointers to structs

Oliver picture Oliver · Dec 23, 2014 · Viewed 40.2k times · Source

I often work with slices of structs. Here's an example for such a struct:

type MyStruct struct {
    val1, val2, val3    int
    text1, text2, text3 string
    list                []SomeType

So I define my slices as follows:


Let's say I have about a million elements in there and I'm working heavily with the slice:

  • I append new elements often. (The total number of elements is unknown.)
  • I sort it every now and then.
  • I also delete elements (although not as much as adding new elements).
  • I read elements often and pass them around (as function arguments).
  • The content of the elements themselves doesn't get changed.

My understanding is that this leads to a lot of shuffling around of the actual struct. The alternative is to create a slice of pointers to the struct:


Now the structs remain where they are and we only deal with pointers which I assume have a smaller footprint and will therefore make my operations faster. But now I'm giving the garbage collector a lot more work.

  • Can you provide general guidelines of when to work with structs directly vs. when to work with pointers to structs?
  • Should I worry about how much work I leave to the GC?
  • Is the performance overhead of copying a struct vs. copying a pointer negligible?
  • Maybe a million elements is not much. How does all of this change when the slice gets much bigger (but still fits in RAM, of course)?


Russ Egan picture Russ Egan · Jun 3, 2016

Just got curious about this myself. Ran some benchmarks:

type MyStruct struct {
    F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7 string
    I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7 int64

func BenchmarkAppendingStructs(b *testing.B) {
    var s []MyStruct

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        s = append(s, MyStruct{})

func BenchmarkAppendingPointers(b *testing.B) {
    var s []*MyStruct

    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        s = append(s, &MyStruct{})


BenchmarkAppendingStructs  1000000        3528 ns/op
BenchmarkAppendingPointers 5000000         246 ns/op

Take aways: we're in nanoseconds. Probably negligible for small slices. But for millions of ops, it's the difference between milliseconds and microseconds.

Btw, I tried running the benchmark again with slices which were pre-allocated (with a capacity of 1000000) to eliminate overhead from append() periodically copying the underlying array. Appending structs dropped 1000ns, appending pointers didn't change at all.