Why is SSE scalar sqrt(x) slower than rsqrt(x) * x?

Crashworks picture Crashworks · Oct 7, 2009 · Viewed 40.1k times · Source

I've been profiling some of our core math on an Intel Core Duo, and while looking at various approaches to square root I've noticed something odd: using the SSE scalar operations, it is faster to take a reciprocal square root and multiply it to get the sqrt, than it is to use the native sqrt opcode!

I'm testing it with a loop something like:

inline float TestSqrtFunction( float in );

void TestFunc()
  #define ARRAYSIZE 4096
  #define NUMITERS 16386
  float flIn[ ARRAYSIZE ]; // filled with random numbers ( 0 .. 2^22 )
  float flOut [ ARRAYSIZE ]; // filled with 0 to force fetch into L1 cache

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUMITERS ; ++i )
    for ( int j = 0 ; j < ARRAYSIZE ; ++j )
       flOut[j] = TestSqrtFunction( flIn[j] );
       // unrolling this loop makes no difference -- I tested it.
  printf( "%d loops over %d floats took %.3f milliseconds",
          NUMITERS, ARRAYSIZE, cyclecounter.Milliseconds() );

I've tried this with a few different bodies for the TestSqrtFunction, and I've got some timings that are really scratching my head. The worst of all by far was using the native sqrt() function and letting the "smart" compiler "optimize". At 24ns/float, using the x87 FPU this was pathetically bad:

inline float TestSqrtFunction( float in )
{  return sqrt(in); }

The next thing I tried was using an intrinsic to force the compiler to use SSE's scalar sqrt opcode:

inline void SSESqrt( float * restrict pOut, float * restrict pIn )
   _mm_store_ss( pOut, _mm_sqrt_ss( _mm_load_ss( pIn ) ) );
   // compiles to movss, sqrtss, movss

This was better, at 11.9ns/float. I also tried Carmack's wacky Newton-Raphson approximation technique, which ran even better than the hardware, at 4.3ns/float, although with an error of 1 in 210 (which is too much for my purposes).

The doozy was when I tried the SSE op for reciprocal square root, and then used a multiply to get the square root ( x * 1/√x = √x ). Even though this takes two dependent operations, it was the fastest solution by far, at 1.24ns/float and accurate to 2-14:

inline void SSESqrt_Recip_Times_X( float * restrict pOut, float * restrict pIn )
   __m128 in = _mm_load_ss( pIn );
   _mm_store_ss( pOut, _mm_mul_ss( in, _mm_rsqrt_ss( in ) ) );
   // compiles to movss, movaps, rsqrtss, mulss, movss

My question is basically what gives? Why is SSE's built-in-to-hardware square root opcode slower than synthesizing it out of two other math operations?

I'm sure that this is really the cost of the op itself, because I've verified:

  • All data fits in cache, and accesses are sequential
  • the functions are inlined
  • unrolling the loop makes no difference
  • compiler flags are set to full optimization (and the assembly is good, I checked)

(edit: stephentyrone correctly points out that operations on long strings of numbers should use the vectorizing SIMD packed ops, like rsqrtps — but the array data structure here is for testing purposes only: what I am really trying to measure is scalar performance for use in code that can't be vectorized.)


Stephen Canon picture Stephen Canon · Oct 7, 2009

sqrtss gives a correctly rounded result. rsqrtss gives an approximation to the reciprocal, accurate to about 11 bits.

sqrtss is generating a far more accurate result, for when accuracy is required. rsqrtss exists for the cases when an approximation suffices, but speed is required. If you read Intel's documentation, you will also find an instruction sequence (reciprocal square-root approximation followed by a single Newton-Raphson step) that gives nearly full precision (~23 bits of accuracy, if I remember properly), and is still somewhat faster than sqrtss.

edit: If speed is critical, and you're really calling this in a loop for many values, you should be using the vectorized versions of these instructions, rsqrtps or sqrtps, both of which process four floats per instruction.