Coding conventions and style guidelines for Python.
I've recently begun figuring it would be a good idea to follow PEP 8. I made my editor display the 80-column …
python coding-style pep8I am using Google Colaboratory to write Python code in their notebook. Whenever I hit an enter after a for …
python python-3.x indentation google-colaboratory pep8Background: I'm using the (fantastic) Vim plugin python-mode, which includes the pep8 linter. The :PyLint command runs all linters and …
python vim pep8 python-modeflake8 xxx --ignore=E501,E128,E701,E261,E301,E126,E127,E131 E901 SyntaxError: invalid syntax Any one has …
python python-2.6 pep8 flake8If I use pylint (via sublimerlinter) I get following warning message: W602 deprecated form of raising exception This I how …
python pylint pep8I'm doing code review, and seeing method declarations like that: def __init__(self,data): I always thought that it should …
python coding-style pep8