Top "Pep8" questions

Coding conventions and style guidelines for Python.

How to write a pep8 configuration (pep8.rc) file?

I found the documentation for pep8 but wasn't able to understand how to write these. I couldn't even find any …

python pep8 pep
Configure command line options in pycharm

Can I configure the command line arguments that PyCharm sends to when it does its automatic PEP8 style …

python pycharm pep8
What is the recommended way to break long if statement? (W504 line break after binary operator)

What is currently the recommended way to break a long line of if statement with "and" and "or" operators? 1st …

django python-3.x pep8 flake8
How to tell Spyder's style analysis PEP8 to read from a setup.cfg or increase max. line length?

I am using Spyder 2.3.1 and python(x, y). In the preferences of Spyder you can activate "Style analysis". This is …

python spyder pep8
Disable pep8 check in syntastic for python files

I work with enough code that does not follow pep8 (that I cannot fix) and would like syntastic to not …

vim pep8 syntastic
PEP8 [E713] test for membership should be 'not in'

Given the following code: d = {'a':1, 'b':2} if not 'c' in d: print 'kaboom' if 'c' not in 'd': print …

python pep8
Strange PEP8 recommendation on comparing Boolean values to True or False

At the end of python PEP8 I'm reading: Don't compare boolean values to True or False using == Yes: if greeting: …

python pep8
Configuration setting for Vim PEP-8 plugin to ignore errors and warnings?

I am using this plugin to detect PEP-8 errors and warnings in Vim:…

python vim pep8
How do I follow python PEP8 regarding line breaks, and how important is it?

I am writing in python 3.5.1 and I am a programming novice. I use gedit with a pep8 and pyflakes plugins …

python pep8 gedit python-3.5 pyflakes