Top "Pdfjs-dist" questions

Looking for help to make npm/pdfjs-dist work with Webpack and Django

I've been trying for a few hours replacing a link-based pdf.js with an npm install of pdfjs-dist, since I …

javascript django npm webpack pdfjs-dist
ERROR in node_modules/@types/pdfjs-dist/index.d.ts(63,39): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'unknown'

I m using ng2-pdf-viewer in angular 6 project, On project compilation it gives following errors ERROR in node_modules/@types/…

angular typescript angular6 pdfjs-dist
Additional loader for pdfjs-dist in react app?

I have the pdfjs-dist dependency in my react app and it isn't working - I'm not sure what I changed …

javascript node.js reactjs npm pdfjs-dist
How to add UI and toolbar to PDF.js viewer?

I'm trying to implement PDF.js on my project, but it's being harder than expected. At the moment, I'm able …

javascript html pdf pdf.js pdfjs-dist