Filter a pcap dump file for a specific time range

Filippo Vitale picture Filippo Vitale · Nov 13, 2013 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

Is there any easy way to create a pcap file for the packets related to a specific datetime range maybe using tshark, tcpdump or another commandline tool?

tshark -R with frame.time seems promising but I haven't been able to work that out yet...


The final command:

editcap -F libpcap -A "2013-07-20 23:00:00" -B "2013-07-20 23:20:00" input.pcap output.pcap


James picture James · Nov 13, 2013

What you need is editcap. It's a command-line tool that is part of the Wireshark family.

Check out the man page at

It takes a pcap file as input, and writes an output one. You may operate on the infile to filter content, for example, with start-time and end-time, packet number ranges, snap packet length, adjusting timestamps (!), etc. It's a great tool.