Easiest way to convert pcap to JSON

Erik picture Erik · Sep 8, 2012 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

I have a bunch of pcap files, created with tcpdump. I would like to store these in a database, for easier querying, indexing etc. I thought mongodb might be a good choice, because storing a packet the way Wireshark/TShark presents them as JSON document seems to be natural.

It should be possible to create PDML files with tshark, parse these and insert them into mongodb, but I am curious if someone knows of an existing/other solution.


Cormac Long picture Cormac Long · Aug 9, 2017

On the command line (Linux, Windows or MacOS), you can use tshark.


tshark -r input.pcap -T json >output.json

or with a filter:

tshark -2 -R "your filter" -r input.pcap -T json >output.json

Considering you mentioned a set of pcap files, you can also pre-merge the pcap files into a single pcap and then export that in one go if preferred..

mergecap -w output.pcap input1.pcap input2.pcap..