I've signed in to the developer website but when I go to the apps page to create my app I see the following error message:
Problem creating sandbox facilitator account [Error code: 2001]
When I look on the sandbox accounts page I see there is a facilitator account there ([email protected])
When I click the "create app" button the "sandbox developer account" dropdown is empty and when I try to create an app I get the following error message:
We’re sorry, but something went wrong while creating the application. Please try again.
So far I've:
I had the same problem. The "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box had no entries although I had set up accounts before - so I couldn't create an app. After some trial and error hacking I finally found a way to inject a valid option in the html select and successfully created the app in the end.
Here's how:
Log in to your developer.paypal.com profile and go to Sandbox - Accounts.
Just use Firebug in Firefox or Developer Tools in Chrome to examine the source: Check the source of your BUSINESS account and you will find a code line like this:
<a class="profile" target="/developer/accounts/detail/2297102045097598612">Profile</a>
Note the id (e.g. 2297102045097598612), the country code (e.g. US) and the email address.
Now go to Dashboard - My Apps & Credentials and press "Create app"
Open Firebug/Dev. Tools and examine the "Sandbox developer account" dropdown box. Right-Click the empty select in the dom and choose "Edit as HTML". Enter an option tag with your formerly noted values, just like this:
<option value="2297102045097598612,[email protected]">[email protected] (US)</option>
Check that the option now appears in the dropdown box.
Enter a name in the "App name" field and press "Create app".
That's it. Hope I could help.