Paypal Sandbox - Invalid Merchant Configuration error 10501?

Sean H Jenkins picture Sean H Jenkins · May 11, 2012 · Viewed 21.4k times · Source

I'm trying to do a DoDirectPayment with the Sandbox API

I have been testing with code that I know works but my API credentials are getting the following error back from the Sandbox API

[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration

After looking up the error code I found that the problem "Occurs when the billing agreement is disabled or inactive."

I have searched Google intensively for how to Agree to the Billing Agreement in the sandbox but to no prevail

Has anyone had this issue and know how to switch it on?


zlovelady picture zlovelady · Aug 7, 2013

Like the the other answers say, you need to to enable Payments Pro in your sandbox account. As of July 2013, you can do this with the steps below.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Go to Applications -> Sandbox Accounts
  3. Click the sandbox account you want to upgrade to Pro, and then click 'profile'
  4. There should be an Upgrade to Pro option in the dialog that pops up

Note the paypal developer website has been changing quite a bit recently, so your mileage may vary...