Top "Passwords" questions

Passwords are primarily used as a way of accessing information and also limiting the number of users who can get access to a machine.

expect, interact and then again expect

There are several posts regarding the same, but i still not able to make my expect script work properly. My …

linux login passwords expect interaction
Android password visibility toggle not working with support library 25?

I have implemented a TextInputLayout with a password field in the usual way: < android:…

android passwords android-support-library textinputlayout
Compare (password) attribute

I'd like to create a view model for a new user using the code below. The "User" class contains just … passwords data-annotations
PHP Strongest one way encryption/hashing method

I have a site on which people can sign up and I need to encrypt their password. I've researched it …

php passwords password-hash
C# - Securely storing a password locally

I'm creating a C# application that will lock out functionality (key combinations, windows task bar, etc.) in a Kiosk-style environment. …

c# .net security passwords kiosk
I forgot the password to open a Word document. How can I retrieve the password?

I have a word document that prompts the user for a password to open it, the dialogue box is like …

vba ms-word passwords password-recovery
What are the standard minimum and maximum lengths of username, password and email?

What are the standard minimum and maximum lengths of username, password and email?

email passwords username
Retrieving password when the password stored as a hash value

Can users request that their password be emailed to themselves if the password is stored as a hash value? Is … hash passwords dotnetnuke
Recovering saved password in Filezilla

Unfortunately I can not remember the password of FTP server, but it is saved in FileZilla Site Manager (Ubuntu). How …

ubuntu passwords filezilla recover
ASP:TextBox Value disappears in postback only when password

I have an textbox like this: <asp:TextBox ID="PINPad" runat="server" Columns="6" MaxLength="4" CssClass="PINTextClass">&… textbox postback passwords