Top "Parentviewcontroller" questions

parentViewController, in terms of hierarchy, is the immediate view controller above the current view controller.

Add a child view controller's view to a subview of the parent view controller

I want to add a tableViewController as a child view controller of a containerViewController (shown below). According to Apple's View …

ios addsubview parentviewcontroller container-view childviewcontroller
How to set parentViewController in UIViewController?

The parentViewController property of UIViewController is readonly, but I am nesting custom view controllers and would like to use this …

iphone cocoa-touch uiviewcontroller hierarchy parentviewcontroller
UIViewController parentViewController access properties

I know this question has been asked several times and I did read existing posts on this topic but I …

objective-c uiviewcontroller parentviewcontroller
Shift to Parent View Controller from child view controller - iOS

I have a main Actions View Controller, and on that there is button "Review". Review Button's functionality is : - (IBAction)…

ios objective-c parent-child parentviewcontroller uiview-hierarchy
Cocoa: Can't remove child view controller

I load the view of my main view controller. This main view controller then adds 2 child view controllers (split view: …

ios cocoa-touch uiviewcontroller childviewcontroller parentviewcontroller
Container View Controllers - notify parent of action

Say I have a custom container view controller (MainViewController) where I do something like this: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; …

ios uiviewcontroller parentviewcontroller childviewcontroller
How to detect touch event in child viewcontroller in ios

I have created a sideview like menu for the iPhone for which I have used container ship concept for adding …

ios iphone touch-event childviewcontroller parentviewcontroller
adding one view contoller as a child of another view controller in objective-c

I need to know how to add one view contoller as a child of another view controller in objective-c. As …

objective-c xcode uiviewcontroller parentviewcontroller