Top "Parameter-passing" questions

parameter-passing is the process of assigning values to the parameters of a function

PostgreSQL: ERROR: 42601: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"

As far as I can tell, my function properly resembles the samples I've seen. Can someone clue me in as …

postgresql parameter-passing plpgsql set-returning-functions
Argument passing in .sh scripts

I have a shell script which is a qsub job with content: #!/bin/bash -l #$ -S /bin/bash #$ …

shell parameter-passing options sh qsub
How are strings passed in .NET?

When I pass a string to a function, is a pointer to the string's contents passed, or is the entire …

.net string function parameter-passing
Can parameters be constant?

I'm looking for the C# equivalent of Java's final. Does it exist? Does C# have anything like the following: public …

c# constants readonly parameter-passing
passing arguments to jq filter

Here is my config.json: { "env": "dev", "dev": { "projects" : { "prj1": { "dependencies": {}, "description": "" } } } } Here are my bash commands: PRJNAME='prj1' …

json bash parameter-passing jq
MSBuild passing parameters to CallTarget

I'm trying to make a reusable target in my MSBuild file so I can call it multiple times with different …

msbuild parameter-passing msbuild-target
Bash: pass a function as parameter

I need to pass a function as a parameter in Bash. For example, the following code: function x() { echo "Hello …

bash function callback parameter-passing
Send list/array as parameter with jQuery getJson

I have the following where I'm trying to send list/array to MVC controller method: var id = []; var inStock = []; $table.… jquery parameter-passing getjson url-parameters
How to pass parameter on 'vagrant up' and have it in the scope of Vagrantfile?

I'm looking for a way to pass parameter to Chef cookbook like: $ vagrant up some_parameter And then use some_…

ruby command-line vagrant parameter-passing
Passing a parameter to an sql stored procedure in c#

string commandGetIslemIdleri = ("EXEC GetIslemIdleri"); cmd = new SqlCommand(commandGetIslemIdleri, sqlConn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CARIID", 110)); using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) //…

c# stored-procedures parameter-passing sqlcommand