Top "Parallel-processing" questions

Parallel processing is, in sharp contrast to just a Concurrent processing, guaranteed to start / perform / finish all thread-level and/or instruction-level tasks executed in a parallel fashion and provides a guaranteed finish of the simultaneously executed code-paths.

Running several scripts in parallel bash script

I have a bash script that contains other scripts inside that are run in series. However, it takes a decent …

bash parallel-processing
How does the MapReduce sort algorithm work?

One of the main examples that is used in demonstrating the power of MapReduce is the Terasort benchmark. I'm having …

algorithm sorting parallel-processing hadoop mapreduce
Parallel wget in Bash

I am getting a bunch of relatively small pages from a website and was wondering if I could somehow do …

bash parallel-processing wget
Is there an equivalent to 'continue' in a Parallel.ForEach?

I am porting some code to Parallel.ForEach and got an error with a continue I have in the code. …

c# foreach parallel-processing
Parallel for loop in openmp

I'm trying to parallelize a very simple for-loop, but this is my first attempt at using openMP in a long …

c++ parallel-processing openmp
How to iterate over consecutive chunks of Pandas dataframe efficiently

I have a large dataframe (several million rows). I want to be able to do a groupby operation on it, …

python pandas parallel-processing ipython
Parallel ForEach on DataTable

I would like to use the new Parallel.ForEach function to loop through a datatable and perform actions on each …

c#-4.0 parallel-processing
What is the easiest way to parallelize a task in java?

Say I have a task like: for(Object object: objects) { Result result = compute(object); list.add(result); } What is the …

java multithreading parallel-processing
Does Parallel.ForEach limit the number of active threads?

Given this code: var arrayStrings = new string[1000]; Parallel.ForEach<string>(arrayStrings, someString => { DoSomething(someString); }); Will all 1000 threads …

c# .net c#-4.0 parallel-processing