Top "Paint" questions

The act of displaying a GUI component on a screen output device

Android - How to draw on view

I am tring to paint on my own view ( but this code does not seem to have …

android view paint android-custom-view
Android: How to fill color to the specific part of the Image only?

I have Image Like this: Now, i want to fill the color to the Specific part of that image. as …

android android-canvas paint draw
Drawing a rectangle that won't disappear in next paint

I trying to create a JPanel that draws rectangles. The Panel needs to draw alot of rectangles, but they dont …

java swing graphics jpanel paint
Mouse Click java

I followed a tutorial on creating a Maze Game in java. After completing it, I decided to add a few …

java swing paint keylistener mouselistener
Tickmark algorithm for a graph axis

I'm looking for an algorithm that places tick marks on an axis, given a range to display, a width to …

algorithm optimization paint
SWT update / redraw / layout prοblem

I know many people experience this problem, but the solutions I found online do not seem to solve mine. I …

layout button swt paint redraw
Mixing two RGB color vectors to get resultant

I am trying to mix two source RGB vectors to create a third "resultant vector" that is an intuitive mix …

math colors rgb vector paint
Android Paint setShadowLayer() ignores color of its Paint

I'm trying to create a Bitmap programmatically and am finding drawing a shadowed Rect is ignoring the color arg passed …

android android-canvas paint shadow
Fill custom area with color

How can I fill a selected area with color? var Rect: TRect; Color: TColor; begin //fill area with color end;

delphi colors delphi-7 paint fill
Dynamic Graphics Object Painting

Trying to figure out the best way to do this (And without crossing any specifics DO NOTs that I don't …

java swing graphics paint