Top "Paint" questions

The act of displaying a GUI component on a screen output device

setShadowLayer Android API differences

I develop a custom view component for my application and I am struggling with adding a shadow to a circle. …

android paint shadow
How do I draw bold text on a Bitmap?

I want a Bitmap icon with bold text to draw it on map. I have a snippet to write text …

android bitmap android-canvas paint
Set background image for JPanel in Java Breakout Game

Okay, this seems like a really simple task but I can't seem to get it. All I want is to …

java swing jpanel paint imageicon
Android color picker to be included in the activity

I would like to include a color picker in my paint program. So anyone here has already done something like …

java android colors paint
Android canvas fill background color (Canvas application)

By having the following codes, I have some questions. public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { …

android android-canvas paint surfaceview
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch

My idea is to overlap 2 images on top of each other and upon onTouch, the top image should be made …

android bitmap transparent paint
How to draw smooth / rounded path?

I am creating Paths and adding multi lines in each path by using path.moveTo(x, y) and path.lineTo(…

java android path paint
In Android Studio message "Paint.setShadowLayer.. graphics not accurate.." without this code

I get this message in android studio xml preview: "The graphics preview in the layout editor may not be accurate: …

android xml paint shadow
How to draw text with different stroke and fill colors?

I want to display text as below in my app. I am using Paint class with style FILL_AND_STROKE …

java android paint
Why is paint()/paintComponent() never called?

For the last two days I have tried to understand how Java handles graphics, but have failed miserably at just …

java swing awt paint