Top "Page-tables" questions

A page table is a data structure used by the virtual memory in the operating system to store the mapping between virtual addresses and physical addresses.

Determine page table size for virtual memory

Consider a virtual memory system with a 38-bit virtual byte address, 1KB pages and 512 MB of physical memory. What is …

memory paging virtual-memory page-tables
How does multi-level page table save memory space?

I am trying to understand how multi-level page table saves memory. As per my understanding, Multi-level page table in total …

memory operating-system paging virtual-memory page-tables
What exactly do shadow page tables (for VMMs) do?

My understanding is that shadow page tables eliminate the need to emulate physical memory inside of the VM. ie. Instead …

virtual-machine virtualization virtual-memory page-tables
Difference Between Page Table and Page Directory

I have been hearing the term address space often in microprocessors and microcontrollers Paradigm. I understand that an address is …

assembly x86 virtual-memory page-tables
How to Calculate Effective Access Time

Assume TLB hit ratio is 90%, physical memory access takes 100ns, TLB access takes 20 ns, compute the effective access time for …

operating-system paging tlb page-tables
Does every process have its own page table?

Does every process have its own page table or does it simply add it's page entries into one big page …

memory-management operating-system virtual-memory page-tables
Paging: Basic, Hierarchical, Hashed, and Inverted

With respect to operating systems and page tables, it seems there are 4 general methods to paging and page tables Basic …

operating-system hashtable paging page-tables
A machine has a 32 bit address and an 8KB machine

A machine has a 32-bit address space and a page size of 8KB. The page table is entirely in hardware, …

32-bit memory-address virtual-memory page-tables