Top "Packagist" questions

Package Repository Website for Composer, see the about page on packagist.

Use PHP composer to clone git repo

I'm trying to use composer to automatically clone a git repository from github that isn't in packagist but it's not …

php composer-php packagist
Composer Content-Length Mismatch

Sometimes when I run composer update to upgrade the laravel project, a content-length mismatch exception might occur. Finally, I get …

composer-php packagist
The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting

I don't really understand how Composer works with the minimum-stability setting. I have two packages. Let's say, PackageA and PackageB. …

github composer-php packagist
Composer/Packagist could not find package for minimum stability

I'm trying to install the following composer package: composer require cr/hashcli it is a package that I did. But …

php composer-php packagist
How to add non-public repositories from command line with composer?

I want to add a new package which is not at packagist, it's a local or non-public repository. I know …

composer-php packagist
How to force a package to be installed?

I'm trying to install the following package through composer: When I do: …

php composer-php laravel-5 cartalyst-sentry packagist
composer installation from behind proxy server

I'm trying to run composer update on windows 10 behind a proxy server, it gives me an error. and I set …

php proxy composer-php packagist
How do you get composer to install a non-composer package?

I am trying to get composer to download the following library from this project, however, it does not have a …

php composer-php packagist
Adding a package with Composer (through SVN)

I created a SVN repository for my personal PHP library, and added a composer.json file at the root level: { "…

php svn composer-php packagist
Where to register autoload when the vendor is not managed with composer in Symfony 2.1?

I'm using symfony 2.1 and I want to add a library to vendors. The library do not exists in packagist. I …

symfony-2.1 composer-php packagist satis