Top "Owner" questions

Granting Rights on Stored Procedure to another user of Oracle

I am a student of Undergraduate studies , and I am facing little problem in granting rights of ownership to a …

oracle stored-procedures grant owner rights-management
How to know who is the owner of (secondary) Tumblr blog? How to know followers blogs?

Definitions, infos in Tumblr before my question to be all clear: In Tumblr all user account had a primary blog, …

api blogs tumblr owner
Postgresql - backup database and restore on different owner?

I did backup on database on different server and that has different role than I need, with this command: pg_…

database postgresql database-backups database-restore owner
List table names, owner, schema and columns in SQL server database

In SQL SERVER how can I get a list of all table names, column names and owners? I have done …

sql-server schema owner
Win32 window Owner vs window Parent?

In Win32 programming, what is the difference between a window's parent and a window's owner? I thought I had it …

winapi window parent owner
Oracle Syntax for Creating Database Link Owned by Another User

The typical syntax for creating a db link is as follows: create database link remote_db_link connect to remote_…

oracle owner dblink
How to get the owner and group of a folder with Python on a Linux machine?

How can I get the owner and group IDs of a directory using Python under Linux?

python linux directory owner
PHP mkdir and apache ownership

Is there a way to set php running under apache to create folders with the folder owned by the owner …

php apache mkdir owner chown
Find S3 Bucket Owner

If there is a bucket that I have read/write access on from my AWS account, is there any way …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 bucket owner
Can you pass a chown command during an rsync call?

Title says it all really. I see that you can preserve owner:group but is it possible to change the …

rsync owner