Top "Owl-carousel" questions

Owl Carousel is a touch-enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel slider.

Create Vertical Owl slider with 2 itmes at a time

I am using Owl carousel to create slider I created one horizontal slider but I need one vertical one as …

vertical-alignment owl-carousel vertical-scrolling
The clicked item should be in center in owl carousel

$(".owl-carousel").owlCarousel({ margin:10, dots:false, nav:true, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1 }, 600:{ items:3 }, 1000:{ items:5 } } }); The Above is my Owl carousel. Now i need …

jquery owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Content in jQuery Owl Carousel got clipped in Chrome, but not in Safari and Firefox?

First of all, my working demo: My problem: When you hover the category menu (smartphone, powerbank, …

google-chrome hidden fixed owl-carousel clipped
How do I specify number of items to be shown in Owl carousel 2?

In Owl carousel 1 I could specify different number of items to be shown depending on the viewport width: items:5, itemsDesktop:[1199,4], …

javascript jquery css owl-carousel owl-carousel-2
Owl carousel 2 - drag direction

I am trying to determine the drag direction of a slider, how do i achieve this? I need it since …

javascript jquery owl-carousel
OwlCarousel preload image in background

I'm using owlcarousel 2 with lazyload options true, i want to start preloading of next slides images in background while user …

jquery owl-carousel preloading owl-carousel-2
Empty item in Owl Carousel

I have problem with Owl carousel. I have 10 items in owl, in loop, and after 10th item, there's one extra …

javascript owl-carousel
Owl Carousel 2 random function

Is there a way in Owl Carousel 2 make a king random function. I need the slides on the page to …

javascript jquery carousel owl-carousel