Top "Owin" questions

Open Web Interface for .NET that describes how components in a HTTP pipeline should communicate.

SignalR + Autofac + OWIN: Why doesn't GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext work?

I'm trying to use OWIN, SignalR and Autofac in a single project. I'm setting things up with regards to signalR … signalr autofac owin
Azure Active Directory login redirect loop

I need to allow users to login through Corp network to access an internal web application. I've followed all the …

c# azure owin azure-active-directory
Configure an OWIN static file server at a specific route prefix

I'm experimenting with keeping my content in non-default locations (eg in bower_components or /packages/../tools). As part of the … owin fileserver
MVC 5 and use of claims default authentication

I have a question regarding the claims in MVC 5. So basically imagine I have a registered user in DB, now … owin claims
Unable to run an 4.5 app on xsp on Mono 3

I've build Mono 3.0.2 from source (tarball), and built XSP from both the latest tarball and the latest on Github, but … mono xsp owin katana
Get bearer token from OWIN Cookie and put it on API Requests

Here is my scenario: I have a MVC4.5/WebApi2 application that uses OpenIdConnectAuthentication based on a Thinktecture.IdentityServer provider. So … owin thinktecture-ident-server bearer-token
How to get OwinContext from Global.asax?

I am trying to set up my Dependency Injection and I am in the need of injecting a IAuthenticationManager from …

c# owin simple-injector
Owin, pass custom query parameters in Authentication Request

We have our own OpenID Connect Provider. We want to pass custom query parameter in Authentication request using Owin middleware. …

c# owin katana openid-connect
WebApi with OWIN SelfHost and Windows Authentication

I have a console application SERVER that hosts WebApi controllers using OWIN self-hosting, and runs under a custom account named "… owin windows-authentication self-hosting
How to include class and property descriptions in Swashbuckle generated Swagger docs for WebApi 2 with OWIN?

Before you think of it, this is not the same. I think this should be pretty much self explanatory. I … owin swagger swashbuckle