output parameters allow stored procedures to return data to the calling code.
I am attempting to get an output variable (the new identity column) from a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 after …
vba sql-server-2008 ms-access stored-procedures output-parameterI'm looking for reasons beyond the usual "out parameters are confusing and indicate the method is doing more than one …
c# .net wcf output-parameterI have created a stored procedure similar to this simplified example: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_MyStoredProcedure @Var1 INT OUTPUT, @Var2 …
c# sql-server-2005 stored-procedures sqldatareader output-parameterI'm using a table with two columns, customer_id and customer_name. customer_name is a simple varchar, customer_id …
c# sql sql-server ado.net output-parameterI have a SqlCommand which runs a stored procedure that contains two integer output parameters. Right before the SqlCommand runs …
c# sqlcommand output-parameter sqlparameterI'm using output parameters to return values from a stored procedure. Declaration in stored procedure is : @GrandTtl DECIMAL(19,3) OUT The …
c# sql-server sql-server-2008 stored-procedures output-parameterALTER PROCEDURE dbo.StoredProcedure8 @emp_code bigint, @co_id bigint, @p decimal(8,2) output AS SELECT @p = (select sum(tran_value) …
sql sql-server-2005 tsql stored-procedures output-parameter