Using output parameter from SQL Server stored procedure in Access

NPO_Coder picture NPO_Coder · Dec 8, 2015 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

I am attempting to get an output variable (the new identity column) from a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008 after executing the procedure from Access 2013 VBA. I don't fully understand all the adodb stuff, and I've tried a number of things from different articles to no avail. Here's where I am with it now...

Stored procedure:

PROCEDURE [proc_NewClient]
    @Type INT, 
    @PhoneIntakeID INT,
    @ClientID INT = NULL,
    @NewPSID INT = null OUTPUT (2 possible ways to call the proc, one does not produce an output variable)

   INSERT INTO tblClientDetails (ClientID, PhoneIntakeID, Client_Status) 
   VALUES (@ClientID, @PhoneIntakeID, 'Applicant')

   DECLARE @NewClientDetailID int

   INSERT INTO tblPS_Psychosocial (ClientDetailID, Client) 
   VALUES (@NewClientDetailID, @ClientID)


   INSERT INTO tblPS_AbuseHistory (PsychosocialID) 

   INSERT INTO tblPS_FamilyHistory(PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_FinancialHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_LegalHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_MedicalHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_PsychiatricHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_SocialHistory (PsychosocialID)  VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_SpiritualHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)
   INSERT INTO tblPS_SubstanceHistory (PsychosocialID) VALUES (@NewPSID)

   INSERT INTO tblVocAssessment(ClientDetailID) VALUES (@NewClientDetailID)

And from the form I've got:

    Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
            Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command, rs As New ADODB.Recordset, param1 As New ADODB.Parameter, param2 As New ADODB.Parameter, param3 As New ADODB.Parameter, param4 As New ADODB.Parameter
            Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
            cnn.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=SRV-DB01;DATABASE=TWHClientMgmt;Trusted_Connection=Yes"

            cnn.Open cnn.ConnectionString

            Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
            cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
            cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
            cmd.CommandText = "[THEWOMENSHOME\jboyd].proc_NewClient"

            Set param1 = cmd.CreateParameter("@Type", adinteger, adparamInput, , 2)
            cmd.Parameters.Append param1
            Set param2 = cmd.CreateParameter("@PhoneIntakeID", adinteger, adparamInput, , Me.PhoneIntakeID)
            cmd.Parameters.Append param2
            Set param3 = cmd.CreateParameter("@ClientID", adinteger, adparamInput, , intNewID)
            cmd.Parameters.Append param3
            Set param4 = cmd.CreateParameter("@NewPSID", adinteger, adParamOutput)
            cmd.Parameters.Append param4 cmd

To this point the code works, the new records are generated, etc. When I run the stored procedure from SQL Server it returns the correct identity column number, but I've tried multiple ways to reference the output in VBA and always end up coming up with a null. How do I reference it here correctly?


Gord Thompson picture Gord Thompson · Dec 9, 2015

To retrieve the value of a stored procedure's OUTPUT parameter you simply .Execute the ADODB.Command and then retrieve the .Value of the corresponding ADODB.Parameter, like so:

' retrieve and display the returned OUTPUT parameter value
Debug.Print cmd.Parameters("@NewPSID").Value