Top "Osx-mountain-lion" questions

Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.

Paramiko -- using encrypted private key file on OS X

I'm trying to use Paramiko to connect to an SSH server from Python. This is what I tried so far: &…

ssh osx-mountain-lion paramiko private-key
Why does PDFKit/wkhtmltopdf hang but renders PDF as expected when Rails app is killed?

Background After reading around it seemed to me that Prawn is out and wkhtmltopdf is in. It also seems like …

ruby-on-rails-3 pdf osx-mountain-lion wkhtmltopdf pdfkit
How to uninstall Xcode 4.4 command line tools (Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion)?

This SO post explains very well how to install command line tools for Xcode 4.4. But how to uninstall them?

xcode macos uninstallation osx-mountain-lion xcode4.4
How to point LLVM_CONFIG environment variable to the path for llvm-config

I am trying to install numba on an OS X Mountain Lion. I had tried the pip install way but …

python osx-mountain-lion numba
The digital signature is not trusted. Java will not allow any access to this application

I have a Java Web Start application, which I've tested on Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS X 10.7 (works fine on …

java macos java-web-start sign osx-mountain-lion
Mountain Lion rvm install 1.8.7 x11 error

After update to Mountain Lion, I tried install 1.8.7, and I got error. X11 file not found, I installed Xquarkz, but …

ruby rvm x11 osx-mountain-lion
ImageMagick: Error while running convert: convert: unable to read font

I'm on Mountain Lion and installed ImageMagick using Homebrew (minimagick is also in my Gemfile but I don't think that's …

imagemagick osx-mountain-lion
Open an ipython notebook via double-click on osx

I've downloaded a couple of ipython notebooks, and I'd like to open them in browser tabs without navigating to the …

macos osx-mountain-lion ipython ipython-notebook
Prevent networksetup from asking password

I have a little app that I use to change proxies on my Mac. It uses the networksetup command to …

macos cocoa proxy passwords osx-mountain-lion
What is the definitive way to install/upgrade/set the default version of ZSH?

OSX Mountain Lion ships with ZSH 4.3.1 in /bin/zsh. After downloading, ./configure, make, make check, and make install-ing version 5.0.0, which …

macos terminal zsh osx-mountain-lion