Top "Osi" questions

Definition of Network Units: Fragment, Segment, Packet, Frame, Datagram

What units are used in network terminology? Where do we use them? I know the following - but I'm not …

networking ip definition osi
Networking: Difference between Transport layer and Networking Layer

In Internet Model there are four layers: Link -> Networking -> Transport -> Application. I don't really …

networking osi
Are we using TCP/IP or OSI in internet?

sorry for that question, but i've searched about that topic, and it's not really clear, they say that internet uses …

tcp ip osi
What are the functions of the Transport layer?

I have a homework question which asks what the four functions of the Transport layer are. It doesn't mean what …

network-programming transport osi
In which layer is HTTP in the OSI model?

Some said HTTP is in the session layer in the OSI model. But in Tanenbaum's Computer Network, HTTP is said …

http http2 osi
Flow control in data link layer vs flow control in transport layer

I'm trying to understand the OSI layer model. I often read that flow control in mainly handelt in Data Link …

networking flow-control osi
Which OSI layer does WebSocket Protocol lay on?

I was wondering if it is layer 7 for websocket as the application is actually the browser.

networking osi
If UDP is unreliable why is it used at transport layer

Sorry for what is a stupid question. Function of transport layer is reliable delivery of messages. UDP is inherently unreliable, …

networking udp tcp-ip osi
Why Tcp faster than http?

I had a discussion with my manager, he said tcp is faster than http because of tcp is work on …

wcf networking tcp osi
In which OSI layer is the REST API paradigm?

During an interview I was asked to classify the REST API paradigm between OSI Layers. I thought it would have …

rest osi