Top "Orphan" questions

Orphan refers to code or data which exists outside of its intended context.

Hibernate deleting orphans when updating collection

I'm finding that orphan records aren't being deleted when removing from a collection in Hibernate. I must be doing something …

java hibernate orphan
Does cascade="all-delete-orphan" have any meaning in a Hibernate unidirectional many-to-many association with a join table?

I have two objects which form a parent-child relationship which have a many-to-many relationship. Following the recommendations in the Hibernate …

java hibernate many-to-many cascade orphan
Orphans remain in database even with orphanRemoval=true on one-to-many relationship (JPA/Hibernate)

@Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @Table(name = "company_policies") @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "rule_name") public abstract class AbstractPolicyRule implements Serializable { @…

java hibernate orm jpa-2.0 orphan
JPA 2 / Hibernate orphan removal still not working with @OneToMany?

I'm trying to use orphanRemoval in Hibernate 4.3.5 / JPA2 objects but it does not seem to be working as I expected. …

java hibernate jpa orm orphan
Git Merge commits into an orphan branch

I'm curious to know if you CAN and if there is anything wrong with merging commits INTO my orphan branch. …

git merge orphan
Hibernate - One to many relationship and orphanRemoval cascade

I have a basic one to many relation parent / child like in the chapter 21 of Hibernate references book. The cascade …

java hibernate one-to-many cascade orphan