Top "Ormlite" questions

ORMLite is a Java open source software framework that provides lightweight object relational mapping (ORM) between Java classes and SQL databases.

How to use the ORMLite query builder to get the total records in a table

Similar to select count(*) from tablename; what should be query in ORMLITE i tried something like int total = dao.queryBuilder().("…

android ormlite query-builder
Ormlite inner join on three tables

i want to create an inner join on three tables like this one for example: SELECT C.Description, D.ItemDescription …

android sql inner-join ormlite
ORMLite update of the database

I'm actually developing an app which is using ORMLite library (which is wonderful btw) but I'm a beginner using it. …

android database ormlite
ORMlite Android foreign key support

I am not clever from ORMlite documentation. Is is possible to declare in class, that this parameter is foreign key? …

android foreign-keys ormlite
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter

Is there any way, how to get Cursor for a query, which I am processing with ORMLite Dao object?

android sqlite cursor ormlite
Persisting a Collection class with ORMLite in android

I have two classes setup like the following. I am confused as to when I need to annotate something as …

java android database orm ormlite
Application crash with “ cannot be cast to”

I'm disovering ORMlite. So, I have this DAO Factory class public class DtoFactory extends Application { private SharedPreferences preferences; private DatabaseHelper …

android exception ormlite
One-To-Many relationship in ORMLite Android

How do I implement one-many relationship in ORMLite Android? please find the example public class A { private String name; @DatabaseField (…

java android one-to-many ormlite
ORM performance: is greenDAO faster than ORMLite?

I've been using ORMLite in my application and I was considering whether to move to greenDAO. Performance is a huge …

android performance sqlite ormlite greendao
createOrUpdate() always creates a new entry in the database with ORMLite

In my Android project, ORMLite is functioning as a cache. I'm downloading data from a web server and placing it …

android ormlite