Top "Oracle-enterprise-manager" questions

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM or EM) is a set of web-based tools aimed at managing software and hardware produced by Oracle Corporation as well as by some non-Oracle entities.

How can I get Enterprise Manager for Oracle 11g R1 to install?

I am running a windows xp sp3 machine with 22gb free space, 1.5ghz Intel Pentium M and 768MB of RAM. …

oracle11g windows-xp oracle-enterprise-manager
Cannot login to Oracle Enterprise Manager Express

I have downloaded Oracle Developer Days Database 12c virtualbox image. I can boot it and access the desktop. When I …

database oracle oracle-enterprise-manager oracle-enterprise-linux
What does Active Sessions and User I/O mean in Oracle Enterprise Manager?

What does "Active Session" mean? I need to analyze database performance by using this graph taken from Oracle Enterprise Manager (…

oracle database-performance oracle-enterprise-manager
httpServletRequest.getParameter returns null

I have two servers one (local) and the other (remote calling through vpn). On both, the same application is deployed. …

java servlets servlet-filters weblogic11g oracle-enterprise-manager