ORA-01722: invalid number in Oracle.
I have a table Application which has a column BORROWINGTERM NUMBER(10,0) Nullable why this script throw an error (ORA-01722 invalid …
sql oracle ora-01722I've been using a parameterized query to insert values into an Oracle table, like so: var q = "insert into MyTable(…
c# oracle ora-01722I have a problem when inserting a string of numbers into sql query SELECT * FROM tablename a WHERE a.flokkurid …
c# sql oracle parameters ora-01722sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" ALTER SEQUENCE " ); sqlStmt.append( ServerContext.getSchemaName() ); sqlStmt.append("SEQ_EDCD_TRACE_NUM"); sqlStmt.append( " INCREMENT BY " ); sqlStmt.…
java oracle jdbc prepared-statement ora-01722I'm trying to load some data using sql loader. Here is the top of my control/data file: LOAD DATA …
oracle sql-loader ora-01722