I noticed the same topics here but I just couldn't find the answer because of my noob skill in databases, I tried a couple of answers but didn't work, apologies.
I have 5 tables and triggers for each of them if the user INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
After I inserted the data into TRAFFIC, (date (varchar30), input_quant (varchar30), output_quant (varchar30), status (varchar30) )
I've tried a simple query
select sum (input_quant)status from traffic;
But the error pops out:
ORA-01722: invalid number
01722. 00000 - "invalid number"
Is it because of the type (VARCHAR
In the table TRAFFIC and SUPPLY I had to DISABLE the FKs so that I can insert the data, but now that I have inserted them, I can't ENABLE them (parent key not found). I don't think this has something to do with "INVALID NUMBER" error. But I'm still confused. What should I do?
Try count() instead of sum(), sum is add number value for each of the input_quant values. count() is return number count of returned records.
Sum() works when the datatype is numeric