the line p *1..10 does exactly the same thing as (1..10).each { |x| puts x } which gives you the following output: $ ruby …
ruby operators rangeThe user input is given in the format a:b>c>d>e... and so on. I …
prolog operators iso-prologPer: @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel! Whenever I declare my IBOutlets, i just use var instead of weak var. But …
swift operators automatic-ref-counting iboutletI am working on a part of the code where I have an array which looks like [[data]]. The data …
javascript operators comparison-operatorsYesterday I stumbled over this when I modified PHP code written by someone else. I was baffled that a simple …
php comparison operators comparison-operatorsI am trying to calculate the Greatest Common Denominator of two integers. C Code: #include <stdio.h> int …
c operators logical-operatorsI'm working with Ruby on Rails and would like to validate two different models : if (model1.valid? && model2.…
ruby-on-rails operators logical-operators short-circuitingAll C++ operators that I have worked with return something, for example the + operator returns the result of the addition. …
c++ operatorsI defined a custom equality operator (the definition is not really important so I will insert dummy stuff): let ( ~=~ ) a …
operators ocaml