Top "Operators" questions

Shift Operators in C++

If the value after the shift operator is greater than the number of bits in the left-hand operand, the result …

c++ operators bit-shift
So what exactly does “from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL” do?

I understand it's an inside joke that's meant to stay (just like “from __future__ import braces”), but what exactly does …

python operators
What does i = (i, ++i, 1) + 1; do?

After reading this answer about undefined behavior and sequence points, I wrote a small program: #include <stdio.h> …

c operators expression compiler-warnings comma-operator
R: What are operators like %in% called and how can I learn about them?

I know the basics like == and !=, or even the difference (vaguely) between & and &&. But stuff like %in% …

r operators special-characters symbols
Airflow default on_failure_callback

In my DAG file, I have define a on_failure_callback() function to post a Slack in case of failure. …

python operators airflow apache-airflow
Are inline operators good?

Is there any difference between operators and other methods to make inline in C++? I have searched for it, but …

c++ operators inline-method
How does the Groovy in operator work?

The Groovy "in" operator seems to mean different things in different cases. Sometimes x in y means y.contains(x) …

groovy operators in-operator
"x not in y" or "not x in y"

When testing for membership, we can use: x not in y Or alternatively: not x in y There can be …

python syntax operators
What does the question mark mean in GSP/Grails?

I saw this in my generated GSP pages. What does the ? mean? <g:textField name="name" value="${phoneInstance?.name}" /&…

grails groovy operators gsp
C/C++ Post-increment by more than one

I'm reading bytes from a buffer. But sometimes what I'm reading is a word or longer. // assume buffer is of …

c++ c operators post-increment