Top "Openvswitch" questions

Open vSwitch database connection failure after rebooting

Each time after installing Open vSwitch successfully and rebooting, I get the following error. ovs-vsctl: unix:/usr/local/var/run/…

Remove a port to the external bridge with openvswitch

I was setting up a openstack configuration using this document: …

openstack openstack-neutron openvswitch
Mininet OVS-Controller can 't be loaded and run

When ever I try to login SSH to my mininet VM from Host terminal it shows Permission denied error and …

ubuntu networking openvswitch mininet
Openstack, neutron, Can't ping external network

I have followed the Icehouse doc to install a 3 node environment my openstack nodes are builded as virtual machines using …

openstack openvswitch openstack-neutron
Mininet uses openvSwitch?

I am new to Mininet and openvSwitch. I know that mininet creates a virtual network using my pc resources. And …

mininet openvswitch
The Difference between ovs-vsctl and ovs-dpctl

If I am setting up an switch device to be controlled via OpenFlow, what are the conditions to use ovs-dpctl …

openflow openvswitch